
Internet users and mHealth in Europe

April 13, 2012

Following Social determinants of Health and ICT for Health (eHealth) conceptual framework and the results from Citizens and ICT for Health in 14 EU countries: results from an online panel survey I have been exploring the difussion of mHealth in Europe.  Internet users were asked about the use of health/wellness application on their mobile phone:

  • 77% stated that they never use it;
  • 7% stated that they were not aware of it;
  • 6% stated that they use it less than once a month
  • 5% stated that they use it at least once a month (but not every week)
  • 4% stated that they use it at least once a week (but not every day)
  • 1% stated that they use it every day or almost every day

Socio-demographics’ characterisation revealed that internet users who at least once have used mHealth are more likely to be male; 16-24; students; living in a densely-populated area; reported good health status and not suffering a chronic condition. Therefore, it looks like we are talking mainly about health prevention and promotion opportunities; wellness and healthy life styles. I’m now analysing the data following the conceptual framework to better understand mHealth users and empowerment; trigger; barriers; impact… Comments are always welcome!