
Patient Opinion

March 5, 2007

I think Patient Opinion is a great example of a Web 2.0 and a business model on the Web at the healtcare sector.

Patient Opinion is all about enabling patients to share their experiences of health care, and by doing so help other patients — and perhaps even change the NHS.

As well as allowing everyone to see what patients are saying about their services, it also offers a way to feed the experience of patients back to the NHS so that their insights and ideas can be put to good use.

Hospital financing has been the primary focus of hospital management in the last decade. Rising cost and shrinking reimbursements have made ‘e-projects’ less of a priority, especially since services provided through the web are typically not revenue generator (see references about Web and Hospitals).

Patient Opinion show us at least two lessons related with e-projects. First: to generate revenue you have to innovate. Second: revenue is more than money. Revenue could be information about our patient’s opinion that allow us to improve quality.

Congratulations Patient Opinion!!