My Works
November 29, 2006
In this page I am going to collect and share some of the works I have been doing along or with fellows.
During 2005 – 2007 I was working in the Project Internet Catalonia “Technological Modernisation, Organisational Change and Service Delivery in the Catalan Public Health” directed by the Prof. Manuel Castells.
This research project analyses the interaction between information and communication technologies, organisational change, cultural change and relationships with users in the public system of health services in Catalonia.
The study will include a statistical analysis of the dissemination and uses of information and communication technologies in the public health system, including hospitals, primary care centres, clinics and other service delivery centres. It will also analyse the uses of communication technology in the relationship between these centres, the health administration, social security and insurance companies.
The study plans also to conduct a qualitative study of the social practices that condition the introduction of new technologies in three major hospitals. It will also analyse health-related websites in Catalonia, with particular emphasis on the uses of these webs by patients. We will also study the development of Internet-based self-help groups among patients and their relatives. We will also carry out a series of in-depth interviews with experts and managers of the health administration system, MDs, nurses, paramedics, hospital workers, associations of patients, biomedical researchers and managers of hospitals and health services.