
Consuming professions: user-review websites and health services – Michael Hardey

November 27, 2009

“Innovative health technologies: health systems in transition Workshop”

Supported by: Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)

Organized by: Francisco Lupiáñez-Villanueva (Internet Interdisciplinary Institute –UOC) and Michael Hardey (Hull/York Medical School – Science and Technology Studies Unit, Department of Sociology, University of York)

Data: 27th November

Place: UOC IN3 building. Av. Canal Olímpic, s/n. Edifici B3, 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona)

Michael Hardey – Consuming professions: user-review websites and health services

The relationship between doctor and patient was variously regarded as ‘special’, ‘outside’ or otherwise at a distance from other consumer experiences. Since then, the status of doctors has changed and information about health and illness has moved from the confines of the consulting room to the World Wide Web. This presentation considers the recent development of Web 2.0 resources that are constructed around user-generated content about identified health practitioners and services. Web sites where users can both read and write comments about health practitioners and services reflect the broader consumer content industry commonly associated with sites like Amazon and TripAdvisor.

Michael Hardey

Reader in Sociology at the Hull/York Medical School and the Department of Social Sciences, University of Hull. He is also an Associate Director Researcher of the Science and Technology Studies Unit, University of York . His main research interests are in mediated information and relationships. This falls into three broad areas: e-health and in particular the role of the Internet in shaping health beliefs and behaviours; e-body and identity (particularly the representation of the self through new media); and the generation and mediation of information through Web 2.0 resources.