Posts Categorized: Health


Today I have received an email telling me “natldialogue (natldialogue) is now following your updates on Twitter”. Obviously, I check the link; its bio description states “How should we protect personal privacy and expand the use of information technology to improve health care?” and its link that points me to A National Dialogue On… Read more »

The digital eHealth divide or The e-patient paradox?

Yesterday PEW INTERNET & AMERICAN LIFE PROJECT launched a new report entitled The Engaged E-patient Population written by Susannah Fox. It has to be said that PEW INTERNET, specially Sussanah Fox, is leading probably the best monitoring of Health and the Internet in United State. She has been launching surveys and analizing date since 2000… Read more »

Society, Health and the Internet references

This post will be for sure my longest post ever. I would like to share my thesis’s references. You could also find them at my personal references manager. Enjoy them! REFERENCIAS · Alonso, J.L. et al. (2003). “Estudio del Web”. En: Cibermetría: nuevas técnicas de estudio aplicables al Web. Gijón: Ediciones TREA, págs. 27-80. ·… Read more »

Welcome to a new blogger: Michael Hardey

My Google Analytics has detected a new incoming link to my blog. When I have checked the site I have read a first post entitled Doctor in store? a very interesting reflection about doctors as consumer products and its implications for web 2.0 sites related with health. After reading the post I have looked… Read more »

Science Commons open workshop in Barcelona: the challenge of access to research data in Europe

This July (16th and 17th) Science Commons has organized a workshop in Barcelona. The goal is to conclude the workshop with a set of shared principles that can effectively guide the development of a collaborative infrastructure for knowledge sharing — one that increases the value of each independent contribution to the global knowledge commons. To… Read more »

Drojnet International Seminar presentation

As I mentioned before, I have been invited to participate in the International Seminar “Aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías a la prevención y asistencia en adicciones (”New technologies applications to prevention and assistance of addictions” (26th and 27th, June). Here goes my presentation: | View | Upload your own

Medical consultation 2.0

As a result of Health and Web 2.0 in the Information Age Conference: from empirical data to Web 2.0 trends,  three videos and two power point presentations are available. Furthermore, the conference’s speaker and I had a interesting conversation with  Salvador Tordera, a journalist from Open University of Catalonia. A few days ago, Salvador has… Read more »

Health Literacy Conference by Rima Rudd

Today I have attended to Catalonia Health Promoting Hospitals Network kick off meeting. This Network, coordinated by Cristina Iniesta, has organised a conference about Health Literacy with Rima Rudd as key speaker. Rima Rudd conference was marvellous. Here comes my notes from the conference: She started talking about income and education as the fundamental axis… Read more »