
Doctors, Citizens and the Internet: Brown Bag Seminar Series – SATSU

June 24, 2009

On 23rd June I had the pleasure to present some of the results of our research in the Brown Bag Seminar Series at Science and Technology Studies Unit (SATSU) in the Department of Sociology at University of York where I’m as a visiting researcher.

I have to thanks all the people who were there for their questions and comments. Special thanks to Michael Hardey who helps me to improve the statistics labels. Now we have to keep working on some papers using these analysis.

From “Disconnected Citizen to “Networked Citizen”

From Disconnected Citizen to Network Citizen

From “Utilized ICT physicians” to “Integrated ICT Physicians”

From Utilised ICT Physician to Integrated ICT Physician

Of course, any comment or suggestion will be very welcomed indeed