Health in the Information Age – A Saúde na Era da Informaçao
April 28, 2008
On 23th and 24th of April I was at Lisbon invited by Gustavo Cardoso and Rita Espanha to the presentation of the research project Health in the Information Age supported by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Brief description:
The first objective of the study is to analyse in what way and in what measure the ICT’s, especially the Internet, are appropriated in the health field (internet and information systems) in the following domains: ICT’s and the Health Professionals; Users and ICT’s; The Health Information Systems; ICT’s and Media contents about Health.Research funding:
Serviço de Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.Project Coordinators:
Rita Espanha and Gustavo CardosoResults are already available in Portuguese.
This research project had been developed at the same time as E-health and Society: An empirical study of Catalonia. During that time, methodological issues were shared so comparative studies will be done in further collaborations.
I would like to thank indeed Gustavo and Rita for their invitation to the meeting and their hospitality. It’s a pleasure to have the opportunity to collaborate with you. Congratulations for you work!