Private medical care and the Web – Mariam Hardey
November 26, 2009
“Innovative health technologies: health systems in transition Workshop”
Supported by: Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
Organized by: Francisco Lupiáñez-Villanueva (Internet Interdisciplinary Institute –UOC) and Michael Hardey (Hull/York Medical School – Science and Technology Studies Unit, Department of Sociology, University of York)
Data: 26th and 27th November
Place: UOC IN3 building. Av. Canal Olímpic, s/n. Edifici B3, 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona)
Mariam Hardey – Private medical care and the Web
The Internet has opened up new opportunities for people to learn about and choose elective medical interventions available across the globe. I will focus on Web resources that enable people in countries with a National Health Service to choose private health care that is available in countries other than those in which they are citizens. For example, the nature of the UK NHS means that there is a relatively small market for private medicine and that it is costly compared to that available elsewhere and especially in countries such as Poland and India.
Mariam Hardey
Teaching part-time at the Sociology Department at the University of York. Her research charts the rise of digital social networks and associated media in the lives of young people – commonly known as a Generation-Y. Mariann’s approach is to draw attention to the increasingly participatory nature of technology, which characterises how the resources have become ubiquitous and take for granted as ‘everyday’ and essential hubs of information.