Posts Categorized: Information Policies

Thesis defense: The Internet, Health and Network Society

On 23rd January 2009 I defended my PhD thesis “Internet, health and society. Analysis of the uses of internet related to health in Catalonia” supervised by the IN3’s Director and UOC Research Professor Manuel Castells. I’m translating my slide presentation, it takes time because It has many figures, just take a look at the Spanish… Read more »


Today I have received an email telling me “natldialogue (natldialogue) is now following your updates on Twitter”. Obviously, I check the link; its bio description states “How should we protect personal privacy and expand the use of information technology to improve health care?” and its link that points me to A National Dialogue On… Read more »

Society, Health and the Internet references

This post will be for sure my longest post ever. I would like to share my thesis’s references. You could also find them at my personal references manager. Enjoy them! REFERENCIAS · Alonso, J.L. et al. (2003). “Estudio del Web”. En: Cibermetría: nuevas técnicas de estudio aplicables al Web. Gijón: Ediciones TREA, págs. 27-80. ·… Read more »

Health Literacy in a Network Society

It has come to my notice that MedlinePlus has a new page on Health Literacy where Health literacy is defined as “the ability to understand health information and to use that information to make good decisions about your health and medical care. Health information can overwhelm even people with advanced literacy skills”. eHealth has been… Read more »

Open Government Policies

Ethan Zuckerman, fellow of the Berkman Center for Interent and Society at Harvard Law School, is posting about Open Government Principles workshop at O’Reilly and Associates: Tools for open government Towards the principles of open government data The aim of this meeting was to draft a set of principles to define what constitutes open government… Read more »